Privacy Policies

This privacy policy defines and informs you of the way in which uses and protects the information that you transmit to us, where applicable, when you use this site accessible from the following URL: https://www (hereinafter the “Site”).

Please note that this confidentiality policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by, in particular with a view to complying with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. In such a case, the date of its update will be clearly identified at the head or footer of this policy. These modifications bind the User as soon as they are put online. The User should therefore regularly consult this confidentiality and cookie use policy in order to be aware of any modifications.

I. Personal data

Generally speaking, you can visit the Site without providing any personal information about yourself. In any case, you are in no way obliged to transmit this information to

However, in the event of refusal, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services that you have requested. As such, may in certain cases ask you to provide:

  • Name
  • First name
  • Mail address
  • Name of your business
  • Phone number

(hereinafter your “Personal Information”). By providing this information, you expressly agree that it will be processed by, for the purposes indicated in point 2 below, as well as for the purposes stated at the end of each form.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended, informs you of the following points:

1. Identity of the data controller

The data controller is the company La Fabrik, 32 rue Georges Clemenceau, 98 800 Nouméa

Tel: 26 39 04


2. Purposes of processing

‍La Fabrik may process your Personal Information:

(a) for the purposes of providing you with the information or services you have requested (in particular: Contact form

(b) for the purposes of collecting information allowing us to improve our Site, our products and services (in particular through cookies).

Collection of Personal Information

‍We collect the following information:

  • Name
  • First name
  • Mail address
  • Name of your business
  • Phone number

The personal information we collect is collected through forms and through the interactivity established between you and our website.

Forms and interactivity

Your personal information is collected via forms, namely:

  • Contact form

Your information is also collected through the interactivity that may occur between you and our website, with the aim of:

  • Statistics

3. Recipients

‍Only is the recipient of your Personal Information. These, whether in individual or aggregate form, are never transmitted to a third party, notwithstanding the subcontractors used by (you will find more information about them in point 7 below). Neither, nor any of its subcontractors, sells the personal data of visitors and Users of its Site.

4. Shelf life

Your Personal Information is kept by only for the time corresponding to the purpose of collection as indicated in 2 above which cannot in any case exceed 24 months.‍

5. Computer Rights and Freedoms and GDPR

‍Your rights regarding access to your personal data.

You have the right to access your personal data and request that it be rectified, completed or updated. You can also request the erasure of your data or object to their processing, provided you have a legitimate reason.

You can request to exercise your right to data portability, i.e. the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used format and the right to transmit this data to another data controller.

You can finally formulate directives relating to the conservation, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.

You can exercise your rights with the personal data manager:

By mail

  • La Fabrik: 32 rue Georges Clemenceau 98 800 Nouméa

By email


Before responding to your request, we may verify your identity and/or ask you to provide us with more information to respond to your request. We will endeavor to respond to your request within a reasonable time and, in any event, within the time limits set by law.

In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you can lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL):


You have the right to access Personal Information which concerns you.

However, due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data incumbent on, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you provide proof of your identity, in particular by production of a scan of your valid identity document (if requested via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed photocopy of your valid identity document (if requested in writing).

Fabrik informs you that it will be entitled, where applicable, to object to requests that are manifestly abusive (due to their number, repetitive or systematic nature).

To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise your right of access by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (the “CNIL”).


‍Under this right, the legislation authorizes you to request the rectification, updating, blocking or even erasure of data concerning you which may prove to be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

You can also define general and specific guidelines relating to the fate of personal data after your death. If applicable, the heirs of a deceased person may demand to take the death of their loved one into consideration and/or to make the necessary updates.

To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise, on your own behalf or on behalf of one of your deceased loved ones, your right of rectification by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the CNIL.


‍The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the following two situations:

  • When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate grounds; Or
  • When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.

To help you in your process, particularly if you wish to exercise your right of opposition by means of a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter developed by the CNIL.

6. Response times

‍ undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time which cannot exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.

7. Authorized service providers and transfer to a third country of the European Union informs you that it uses its authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data that you have communicated to us. These service providers may be located outside the European Union and communicate the data collected through the form(s) on the Site. has previously ensured the implementation by its service providers of adequate guarantees and compliance with strict conditions in terms of confidentiality, use and protection of data. In particular, vigilance was focused on the existence of a legal basis for carrying out any transfer of data to a third country. As such, one of our service providers, Google Analytics, complies with legal frameworks relating to the transfer of data such as the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework. In addition, hosting of is supported by La Fabrik, 32 rue Georges Clemenceau 98 800 Nouvelle-Calédonie, Tel. : + 687 26 39 04, Email: contact[at] The host is La Fabrik whose servers are present in Australia.

8. Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that is not respecting its obligations with regard to your Personal Information, you can send a complaint or a request to the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link: .


The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. People working for us are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we use the following measures:

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol
  • Back office with username/password required
  • Firewalls

We are committed to maintaining a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the confidentiality of your actions. However, as no mechanism offers maximum security, some risk is always present when using the Internet to transmit personal information.


We are committed to complying with the legislative provisions set out in the European Union GDPR.

II. Cookie Policy

Statistic data

‍In order to better understand the interests of visitors to the site and with a view to improving it, we may measure the number of pages viewed, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors on this site, and their frequency of return. For this purpose, “cookie” technology may be used on parts of this site.

Furthermore, the company La Fabrik can also analyze the use of this website based on the use of connection data.

To oppose the recording of cookies or to be warned before accepting cookies, we recommend that you read the help section of your browser which will tell you the procedure to follow.

What is a Cookie and what is it for?

‍A cookie (or connection witness) is a text file that may be recorded, subject to your choices, in a dedicated space on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, etc.) when consulting an online service using your navigation software.

It is transmitted by a website's server to your browser. Each cookie is assigned an anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is recorded during the validity or recording period of the cookie concerned. A cookie cannot be traced back to a natural person.

When you visit the site, we may install, subject to your choice, different cookies and in particular advertising cookies.

Links to websites external to and third-party applications

To enable you to interact with other websites on which you may have accounts (such as Facebook and other social media sites) or join communities on these sites, we may provide you with links or integrate with third-party applications that allow you to log in, post content or join communities from our websites.

We may also provide you with links to websites external to

Use of these links and applications is subject to the privacy policies of the third party sites, which you should familiarize yourself with before using the links or applications. cannot be held responsible for their privacy practices or their content.

List of cookies used by

Here is the list that we mainly use on our site:

  • Google Analytics

How long are cookies active?

Cookies generally expire no later than 13 months after being placed on the user's computer or mobile terminal.

Cookie settings

If you refuse to have cookies installed on your computer or mobile device, you can configure your browser to limit or exclude the use of cookies. Your browser can provide you with information relating to cookie settings. In particular, you can configure your browser to alert you as soon as a visited website uses cookies. You can also configure your browser to refuse all cookies or accept certain types of cookies. Generally speaking, you can deactivate the cookie functionality on your browser, without affecting the ergonomics of your visit to the site.

Please note that these settings are only valid for pages created and owned by When we include links to external websites and you click on these links, you are leaving our site and the settings and policies applicable to our website no longer apply. It is then up to you to consult the policy relating to data protection and cookies on said site.

If you do not wish to receive cookies from our website, you can configure your browser to refuse them or to notify you when you receive one, asking you whether or not you accept the placement of a cookie. such cookie. You can also configure your browser to deactivate cookies. To understand how to do this, please consult the “Tools” tab of your browser, or any other similar name.

However, we recommend that you do not deactivate our cookies. Please keep in mind that if you block, turn off, or reject our cookies, some pages of our website may no longer display correctly or you will no longer be able to use certain services that require you to log in.

If you refuse to have our cookies placed on your computer, you will need to deactivate them. To do this, please follow the appropriate instructions below depending on your browser:

    We are committed to offering you quality service and guarantees to ensure your complete satisfaction.

    • Satisfaction Guarantee: We strive to provide high-quality printing work that meets your expectations.

    • Respect of deadlines: We understand the importance of deadlines in your projects and we are committed to respecting them.

    • Confidentiality guaranteed: We respect the confidentiality of your data.

    • Competitive and transparent pricing: We quote competitive and transparent prices for our printing services.

    • Guaranteed Compliance: We make sure your print job is compliant.